Sunday, February 2, 2014

Just Another Junkie

At church this morning, our pastor covered Day 4 of Creation, “the heavenly bodies.” He cleverly demonstrated the comparable sizes of earth, the sun, and other stars, and then tied up the sermon with the connection between the sun and the Son. What if the sun just decided to stop shining? You know, sort of how we don't shine the light of Jesus? It really hit home, and I left church contemplating how I can share Jesus in my day to day life.

A few hours later, I saw the news that Philip Seymour Hoffman had passed away from a drug overdose. How sad! I don't know if others do this, but whenever someone famous dies (which seems to happen much more frequently these days) I find myself wondering where they are now. I mean, if you are an atheist, you're laughing right now. But I'm not...and I care about the souls of, yes, even those I never knew. It is ironic that Christians spend billions of dollars every year on movies to watch people that, in the end, we really have no concern for. We want them to entertain us, but other than that, we have no use for them, nor concern for them. (We are the same way with the people around us, so I don't know what I really expect...)

I read it in a comment to an article about Hoffman's death: “Just another junkie.”

Just another junkie.

Now, I don't know if that comment came from a Christian or non-Christian, but in any case, it's kind of cold! It's like saying of someone, “Just another sinner,” because the truth is, we all are. We all have bad habits, ill thoughts, and moments we regret. Some of us have addictions that take over our lives, that take our lives, and I don't think anyone wants to be remembered after death as “just” anything negative. Philip Seymour Hoffman was an excellent actor, and without going into the psychology behind actors and their addictions, he was still a person. A soul. A soul that was bound for an afterlife, and I have to wonder, did anyone ever discuss this with him?

I realize the hypocrisy. So for all of my friends who don't know Jesus or who gave up on Jesus, I hope that one day you will find yourself opening your heart to the possibility of a Holy Spirit working in your life for YOUR good, and the knowledge of a man who died for YOUR sins so that you might live forever with God in heaven. It is difficult to understand when you try to use your head. There are times I find myself culturing doubt, which is quickly extinguished when I hear a song, or the Word of God, which causes goose bumps, chills, or free-flowing tears. Then, I know. The heart knows. I'm sure all of my friends have made a decision at some point to open their hearts to Jesus, or not to. We don't only get one chance, but I'm asking you to soften your heart before you run out of chances.

To my non-believing friends, I pray for you daily. I pray that you will choose Jesus, because I know in my heart what that means for you and eternity.

Because I don't want to wonder if you will be known as, “Just another sinner.” You are much more than that. We all are, and so was Hoffman.

If you are interested in watching sermons on the Creation and book of Genesis, here are our sermon archives. You will also find a great sermon by Dr. Tom Sharp.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautifully put. I also feel a heaviness when I hear such news. Thank you for the perspective.